youtube video...take one

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Gosh...that took me a while. I'm still not sure I like where I'm posting my videos but it's done. The layout of my blog continues to be a problem for me, but it's a work in progress. To answer the question on how could having videos like this help in the classroom? Well, I can answer first hand b/c we used youtube a lot last year. One of our teks was to teach the compass rose. On youtube there is a directions song which we played, learned and created a game with. The kids loved it! It became one of our most favorite things to play!! Youtube is amazing and was also used with phonics. We played the "when 2 vowels go walking" song as part of our word study and calendar routine. Student work can be uploaded in many ways!! We could post Art projects, papers and well, just about everything!! It's so current, the kids love it and are totally engaged!

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